GtkD 1.0 releases !!!

hqs7636 2008-09-18
15号出来的。好像是 d gui 的一件大事,参见:

谁能把它和其他主流 gui 做些深度比较吗?比如wxd,dfl(或winform),dwt,swing 等,谢谢!
shawind 2008-09-18
hqs7636 2008-09-18
看了几个简单的 c + gtk+ 的代码和 d + gtkD 的代码,感觉 d + gtkD 的代码简单多了,类似dfl的代码了,看来 gtkD 的包装层把事情简单化了很多。毕竟比 c 多了一个包装层。
betty_betty2008 2008-09-19
试着装了一下,挺顺的,用POSEIDON 自动完成地插好;编译例子感觉比DWT要快,但运时例子程序时感到窗口弹出有一定的延迟(跟QT 同样的感觉?),另外在线DOC 应该挺全D,目前就这些感受。

但是一直有一个问题:这么多的人才搞出这么多的GUI库出来,明白其中众多理由中的一个是开发D版本的本来就熟悉C/C++下的某个GUI库,但问题是让那些立志把D作为编程语言的新手何去何从?难道D就不能出一个标准的跨平台的GUI库?看到LEARN TO TANGO WITH D 的后记中提到今年内会推出一个基于2D的GRAPHICS库,不知进展如何了?

用了D  有一段日子了,就GUI 来讲,感觉DWT最顺,最易理解和掌控,但是一想到事件都是通过New 一个Listener 来实现,这个NEW 的代价...心理就不舒服,D 的设计的初衷就是在效率上并不稍让C或C++,但在实现上真是一言难尽啊
betty_betty2008 2008-09-20

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:06 pm    Post subject: Some questions before moving on to gtkD   


Hi Sirs,

I start learnin D since y04 and am very glad to see how fast it grows up.I love this laguage first and for most because of the lagugae style (for example,the improvement of int[] array i/0 int array[],etc), one word,I felt it more nature than the other laguage in C family.Another thing which I love best is the promise that the performance can compete C/C++.For GUI libaray,I have used DFL,DWT both of them are easy to learn,but both of them I have pity on:DFL is windows specific and DWT,event implements by Listener,every time an event occurs need NEW a Listener,such a NEW will cost how much?I doubt.

So today I am happily installed the lasted release of gtkD and it seems everything is smoothly fine.Running the examples is also fine.But still,I have several questions on gtkD compare to DFL or DWT:
1.I heard that gtk run time lib cost a lot,is this true?
2. What 's the advantage and disadvange vs the other 2 GUI lib?
3.What's the event loop mechanism and what is the performance compare to callback function (windows C like) ,signal & slot(Qt like) and Listener(SWT/DWT like)?
4.I found there are lots of stuff in the include path,forgive me,I am a completely newbie in gtk,so I was wondering what all those stuff are ,say,atk,cairo,gdk,glade,glib,gobject,pango,and so on?
5.If I decide to learn gtkD,where should I start and what should I learn totally?

Thanks and best regards,

Thanks for trying out GtkD.
1.I heard that gtk run time lib cost a lot,is this true?

On windows your application could be the only one using Gtk so the libraries are loaded for your application only, then it might be a lot of memory being used. On linux you'll have a good chance there are more application using the gtk libraries, like the gnome desktop i'm typing this on, then the gtk libs are already in memory.
2. What 's the advantage and disadvange vs the other 2 GUI lib?

The only other Gui lib i have used is wxD, so i won't be able to commend on DWT and DFL. i think every Gui lib has it's advantages / disadvantages.
3.What's the event loop mechanism and what is the performance compare to callback function (windows C like) ,signal & slot(Qt like) and Listener(SWT/DWT like)?

When you add a Event to a widget trough one of the addOn* functions the delegate passed will be added to an array, witch is looped trough in the "C like" Callback passed to Gtk.
4.I found there are lots of stuff in the include path,forgive me,I am a completely newbie in gtk,so I was wondering what all those stuff are ,say,atk,cairo,gdk,glade,glib,gobject,pango,and so on?

atk provides the accessibility functions for Gtk.
Pango handles the font rendering.
Gdk wraps Xlib and handles the drawing for Gtk.
cairo is the drawing backend used by Gtk/Gdk.
GObject, Most of the libraries use this it allows for some strage object oriented programing in C.
glib provides low level functionality for Gtk linked lists, memory handling, a type system and more.
Glade is for using the XML files created by the Glade interface designer.
I hope i got this is all correct  there documentation should give a definite answer.
And in svn there is also gio withs provides access to the Virtual filesystem.
5.If I decide to learn gtkD,where should I start and what should I learn totally? 

There is no D Tutorial available, so looking at the source of the examples and the documentation might be a good start.
oldrev 2008-09-21
GTK 的程序在 Windows 下面不是一般的丑,而且很多地方显示是错误的,比如说下拉列表的按钮
hqs7636 2008-09-21
oldrev 写道
GTK 的程序在 Windows 下面不是一般的丑,而且很多地方显示是错误的,比如说下拉列表的按钮

oldrev 2008-09-21
我的 Windows 上 N 个GTK程序,什么 pidgin, gimp, inkscape, gnucash, dia, tinyerp,显示基本上都有问题
tomqyp 2008-09-23

更何况说其它gui库不行的人估计也没几个试过用windows api写过大量绘图相关的程序
watanoeye 2008-09-26
oldrev 写道
GTK 的程序在 Windows 下面不是一般的丑,而且很多地方显示是错误的,比如说下拉列表的按钮

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