[资料] Concurrency in the D Programming Language

hqs7636 2010-07-08
By Andrei Alexandrescu

Date: Jul 6, 2010

Sample Chapter is provided courtesy of Addison-Wesley Professional.

Andrei Alexandrescu explains recent hardware changes allowing concurrency and how the D programming languages addresses these possibilities.

Convergence of various factors in the hardware industry has led to qualitative changes in the way we are able to access computing resources, which in turn prompts profound changes in the ways we approach computing and in the language abstractions we use. Concurrency is now virtually everywhere, and it is software's responsibility to tap into it.

Although the software industry as a whole does not yet have ultimate responses to the challenges brought about by the concurrency revolution, D's youth allowed its creators to make informed decisions regarding concurrency without being tied down by obsoleted past choices or large legacy code bases. A major break with the mold of concurrent imperative languages is that D does not foster sharing of data between threads; by default, concurrent threads are virtually isolated by language mechanisms. Data sharing is allowed but only in limited, controlled ways that offer the compiler the ability to provide strong global guarantees.

At the same time, D remains at heart a systems programming language, so it does allow you to use a variety of low-level, maverick approaches to concurrency. (Some of these mechanisms are not, however, allowed in safe programs.)

In brief, here's how D's concurrency offering is layered:

    * The flagship approach to concurrency is to use isolated threads or processes that communicate via messages. This paradigm, known as message passing, leads to safe and modular programs that are easy to understand and maintain. A variety of languages and libraries have used message passing successfully. Historically message passing has been slower than approaches based on memory sharing—which explains why it was not unanimously adopted—but that trend has recently undergone a definite and lasting reversal. Concurrent D programs are encouraged to use message passing, a paradigm that benefits from extensive infrastructure support.
    * D also provides support for old-style synchronization based on critical sections protected by mutexes and event variables. This approach to concurrency has recently come under heavy criticism because of its failure to scale well to today's and tomorrow's highly parallel architectures. D imposes strict control over data sharing, which in turn curbs lock-based programming styles. Such restrictions may seem quite harsh at first, but they cure lock-based code of its worst enemy: low-level data races. Data sharing remains, however, the most efficient means to pass large quantities of data across threads, so it should not be neglected.
    * In the tradition of system-level languages, D programs not marked as @safe may use casts to obtain hot, bubbly, unchecked data sharing. The correctness of such programs becomes largely your responsibility.
    * If that level of control is insufficient for you, you can use asm statements for ultimate control of your machine's resources. To go any lower-level than that, you'd need a miniature soldering iron and a very, very steady hand.

Before getting into the thick of these topics, let's take a brief detour in order to gain a better understanding of the hardware developments that have shaken our world.
13.1 Concurrentgate

When it comes to concurrency, we are living in the proverbial interesting times more than ever before. Interesting times come in the form of a mix of good and bad news that contributes to a complex landscape of trade-offs, forces, and trends.

The good news is that density of integration is still increasing by Moore's law; with what we know and what we can reasonably project right now, that trend will continue for at least one more decade after the time of this writing. Increased miniaturization begets increased computing power density because more transistors can be put to work together per area unit. Since components are closer together, connections are also shorter, which means faster local interconnectivity. It's an efficiency bonanza.

Unfortunately, there are a number of sentences starting with "unfortunately" that curb the enthusiasm around increased computational density. For one, connectivity is not only local—it forms a hierarchy [16]: closely connected components form units that must connect to other units, forming larger units. In turn, the larger units also connect to other larger units, forming even larger functional blocks, and so on. Connectivity-wise, such larger blocks remain "far away" from each other. Worse, increased complexity of each block increases the complexity of connectivity between blocks, which is achieved by reducing the thickness of wires and the distance between them. That means an increase of resistance, capacity, and crosstalk. Resistance and capacity worsen propagation speed in the wire. Crosstalk is the propensity of the signal in one wire to propagate to a nearby wire by (in this case) electromagnetic field. At high frequencies, a wire is just an antenna and crosstalk becomes so unbearable that serial communication increasingly replaces parallel communication (a somewhat counterintuitive phenomenon visible at all scales—USB replaced the parallel port, SATA replaced PATA as the disk data connector, and serial buses are replacing parallel buses in memory subsystems, all because of crosstalk. Where are the days when parallel was fast and serial was slow?).

Also, the speed gap between processing elements and memory is also increasing. Whereas memory density has been increasing at predictably the same rate as general integration density, its access speed is increasingly lagging behind computation speed for a variety of physical, technological, and market-related reasons [22]. It is unclear at this time how the speed gap could be significantly reduced, and it is only growing. Hundreds of cycles may separate the processor from a word in memory; only a few years ago, you could buy "zero wait states" memory chips accessible in one clock cycle.

The existence of a spectrum of memory architectures that navigate different trade-offs among density, price, and speed, has caused an increased sophistication of memory hierarchies; accessing one memory word has become a detective investigation that involves questioning several cache levels, starting with precious on-chip static RAM and going possibly all the way to mass storage. Conversely, a given datum could be found replicated in a number of places throughout the cache hierarchy, which in turn influences programming models. We can't afford anymore to think of memory as a big, monolithic chunk comfortably shared by all processors in a system: caches foster local memory traffic and make shared data an illusion that is increasingly difficult to maintain [37].

In related, late-breaking news, the speed of light has obstinately decided to stay constant (immutable if you wish) at about 300,000,000 meters per second. The speed of light in silicon oxide (relevant to signal propagation inside today's chips) is about half that, and the speed we can achieve today for transmitting actual data is significantly below that theoretical limit. That spells more trouble for global interconnectivity at high frequencies. If we wanted to build a 10GHz chip, under ideal conditions it would take three cycles just to transport a bit across a 4.5-centimeter-wide chip while essentially performing no computation.

In brief, we are converging toward processors of very high density and huge computational power that are, however, becoming increasingly isolated and difficult to reach and use because of limits dictated by interconnectivity, signal propagation speed, and memory access speed.

The computing industry is naturally flowing around these barriers. One phenomenon has been the implosion of the size and energy required for a given computational power; today's addictive portable digital assistants could not have been fabricated at the same size and capabilities with technology only five years old. Today's trends, however, don't help traditional computers that want to achieve increased computational power at about the same size. For those, chip makers decided to give up the battle for faster clock rates and instead decided to offer computing power packaged in already known ways: several identical central processing unit (CPUs) connected to each other and to memory via buses. Thus, in a matter of a few short years, the responsibility for making computers faster has largely shifted from the hardware crowd to the software crowd. More CPUs may seem like an advantageous proposition, but for regular desktop computer workloads it becomes tenuous to gainfully employ more than around eight processors. Future trends project an exponential expansion of the number of available CPUs well into the dozens, hundreds, and thousands. To speed up one given program, a lot of hard programming work is needed to put those CPUs to good use.

The computing industry has always had moves and shakes caused by various technological and human factors, but this time around we seem to be at the end of the rope. Since only a short time ago, taking a vacation is not an option for increasing the speed of your program. It's a scandal. It's an outrage. It's Concurrentgate.
13.2 A Brief History of Data Sharing

One aspect of the shift happening in computing is the suddenness with which processing and concurrency models are changing today, particularly in comparison and contrast to the pace of development of programming languages and paradigms. It takes years and decades for programming languages and their associated styles to become imprinted into a community's lore, whereas changes in concurrency matters turned a definite exponential elbow starting around the beginning of the 2000s.

For example, our yesteryear understanding of general concurrency1 was centered around time sharing, which in turn originated with the mainframes of the 1960s. Back then, CPU time was so expensive, it made sense to share the CPU across multiple programs controlled from multiple consoles so as to increase overall utilization. A process was and is defined as the state and the resources of a running program. To implement time sharing, the CPU uses a timer interrupt in conjunction with a software scheduler. Upon each timer interrupt, the scheduler decides which process gets CPU time for the next time quantum, thus giving the illusion that several processes are running simultaneously, when in fact they all use the same CPU.

To prevent buggy processes from stomping over one another and over operating system code, hardware memory protection has been introduced. In today's systems, memory protection is combined with memory virtualization to ensure robust process isolation: each process thinks it "owns" the machine's memory, whereas in fact a translation layer from logical addresses (as the process sees memory) to physical addresses (as the machine accesses memory) intermediates all interaction of processes with memory and isolates processes from one another. The good news is that runaway processes can harm only themselves, but not other processes or the operating system kernel. The less good news is that upon each task switching, a potentially expensive swapping of address translation paraphernalia also has to occur, not to mention that every just-switched-to process wakes up with cache amnesia as the global shared cache was most likely used by other processes. And that's how threads were born.

A thread is a process without associated address translation information—a bare execution context: processor state plus stack. Several threads share the address space of a process, which means that threads are relatively cheap to start and switch among, and also that they can easily and cheaply share data with each other. Sharing memory across threads running against one CPU is as straightforward as possible—one thread writes, another reads. With time sharing, the order in which data is written by one thread is naturally the same as the order in which those writes are seen by others. Maintaining higher-level data invariants is ensured by using interlocking mechanisms such as critical sections protected by synchronization primitives (such as semaphores and mutexes). Through the late twentieth century, a large body of knowledge, folklore, and anecdotes has grown around what could be called "classic" multithreaded programming, characterized by shared address space, simple rules for memory effect visibility, and mutex-driven synchronization. Other models of concurrency existed, but classic multithreading was the most used on mainstream hardware.

Today's mainstream imperative languages such as C, C++, Java, or C# have been developed during the classic multithreading age—the good old days of simple memory architectures, straightforward data sharing, and well-understood interlocking primitives. Naturally, languages modeled the realities of that hardware by accommodating threads that all share the same memory. After all, the very definition of multithreading entails that all threads share the same address space, unlike operating system processes. In addition, message-passing APIs (such as the MPI specification [29]) have been available in library form, initially for high-end hardware such as (super)computer clusters.

During the same historical period, the then-nascent functional languages adopted a principled position based on mathematical purity: we're not interested in modeling hardware, they said, but we'd like to model math. And math for the most part does not have mutation and is time-invariant, which makes it an ideal candidate for parallelization. (Imagine the moment when those first mathematicians-turned-programmers heard about concurrency—they must have slapped their foreheads: "Wait a minute!...") It was well noted in functional programming circles that such a computational model does inherently favor out-of-order, concurrent execution, but that potential was more of a latent energy than a realized goal until recent times.

Finally, Erlang was developed starting in the late 1980s as a domain-specific embedded language for telephony applications. The domain required tens of thousands of simultaneous programs running on the same machine and strongly favored a message-passing, "fire-and-forget" communication style. Although mainstream hardware and operating systems were not optimized for such workloads, Erlang initially ran on specialized hardware. The result was a language that originally combined an impure functional style with heavy concurrency abilities and a staunch message-passing, no-sharing approach to communication.

Fast-forward to the 2010s. Today, even run-of-the-mill machines have more than one processor, and the decade's main challenge is to stick ever more CPUs on a chip. This has had a number of consequences, the most important being the demise of seamless shared memory.

One time-shared CPU has one memory subsystem attached to it—with buffers, several levels of caches, the works. No matter how the CPU is time-shared, reads and writes go through the same pipeline; as such, a coherent view of memory is maintained across all threads. In contrast, multiple interconnected CPUs cannot afford to share the cache subsystem: such a cache would need multiport access (expensive and poorly scalable) and would be difficult to place in the proximity of all CPUs simultaneously. Therefore, today's CPUs, almost without exception, come with their own dedicated cache memory. The hardware and protocols connecting the CPU + cache combos together are a crucial factor influencing multiprocessor system performance.

The existence of multiple caches makes data sharing across threads devilishly difficult. Now reads and writes in different threads may hit different caches, so sharing data from one thread to another is not straightforward anymore and, in fact, becomes a message passing of sorts:2 for any such sharing, a sort of handshake must occur among cache subsystems to ensure that shared data makes it from the latest writer to the reader and also to the main memory.

As if things weren't interesting enough already, cache synchronization protocols add one more twist to the plot: they manipulate data in blocks, not individual word reads and word writes. This means that communicating processors "forget" the exact order in which data was written, leading to paradoxical behavior that apparently defies causality and common sense: one thread writes x and then y and for a while another thread sees the new y but only the old x. Such causality violations are extremely difficult to integrate within the general model of classic multithreading, which is imbued with the intuition of time slicing and with a simple memory model. Even the most expert programmers in classic multithreading find it unbelievably difficult to adapt their programming styles and patterns to the new memory architectures.

To illustrate the rapid changes in today's concurrency world and also the heavy influence of data sharing on languages' approach to concurrency, consider the following piece of advice given in the 2001 edition of the excellent book Effective Java [8, Item 51, page 204]:

    * When multiple threads are runnable, the thread scheduler determines which threads get to run and for how long.... The best way to write a robust, responsive, portable multithreaded application is to ensure that there are few runnable threads at any given time.

One startling detail for today's observer is that single-processor, time-sliced threading is not only addressed by the quote above, but actually assumed without being stated. Naturally, the book's 2008 edition3 [9] changes the advice to "ensure that the average number of runnable threads is not significantly greater than the number of processors." Interestingly, even that advice, although it looks reasonable, makes a couple of unstated assumptions: one, that there will be high data contention between threads, which in turn causes degradation of performance due to interlocking overheads; and two, that the number of processors does not vary dramatically across machines that may execute the program. As such, the advice is contrary to that given, repeatedly and in the strongest terms, in the Programming Erlang book [5, Chapter 20, page 363]:

    * Use Lots of Processes This is important—we have to keep the CPUs busy. All the CPUs must be busy all the time. The easiest way to achieve this is to have lots of processes.4 When I say lots of processes, I mean lots in relation to the number of CPUs. If we have lots of processes, then we won't need to worry about keeping the CPUs busy.

Which recommendation is correct? As usual, it all depends. The first recommendation works well on 2001-vintage hardware; the second works well in scenarios of intensive data sharing and consequently high contention; and the third works best in low-contention, high-CPU-count scenarios.

Because of the increasing difficulty of sharing memory, today's trends make data sharing tenuous and favor functional and message-passing approaches. Not incidentally, recent years have witnessed an increased interest in Erlang and other functional languages for concurrent applications.
13.3 Look, Ma, No (Default) Sharing

In the wake of the recent hardware and software developments, D chose to make a radical departure from other imperative languages: yes, D does support threads, but they do not share any mutable data by default—they are isolated from each other. Isolation is not achieved via hardware as in the case of processes, and it is not achieved through runtime checks; it is a natural consequence of the way D's type system is designed.

Such a decision is inspired by functional languages, which also strive to disallow all mutation and consequently mutable sharing. There are two differences. First, D programs can still use mutation freely—it's just that mutable data is not unwittingly accessible to other threads. Second, no sharing is a default choice, not the only one. To define data as being shared across threads, you must qualify its type with shared. Consider, for example, two simple module-scope definitions:

int perThread;
shared int perProcess;

In most languages, the first definition (or its syntactic equivalent) would introduce a global variable used by all threads; however, in D, perThread has a separate copy for each thread. The second declaration allocates only one int that is shared across all threads, so in a way it is closer (but not identical) to a traditional global variable.

The variable perThread is stored using an operating system facility known as thread-local storage (TLS). The access speed of TLS-allocated data is dependent upon the compiler implementation and the underlying operating system. Generally it is negligibly slower than accessing a regular global variable in a C program, for example. In the rare cases when that may be a concern, you may want to load the global into a stack variable in access-intensive loops.

This setup has two important advantages. First, default-share languages must carefully synchronize access around global data; that is not necessary for perThread because it is private to each thread. Second, the shared qualifier means that the type system and the human user are both in the know that perProcess is accessed by multiple threads simultaneously. In particular, the type system will actively guard the use of shared data and disallow uses that are obviously mistaken. This turns the traditional setup on its head: under a default-share regime, the programmer must keep track manually of which data is shared and which isn't, and indeed most concurrency-related bugs are caused by undue or unprotected sharing. Under the explicit shared regime, the programmer knows for sure that data not marked as shared is never indeed visible to more than one thread. (To ensure that guarantee, shared values undergo additional checks that we'll get to soon.)

Using shared data remains an advanced topic because although low-level coherence is automatically ensured by the type system, high-level invariants may not be. To provide safe, simple, and efficient communication between threads, the preferred method is to use a paradigm known as message passing. Memory-isolated threads communicate by sending each other asynchronous messages, which consist simply of D values packaged together.

Isolated workers communicating via simple channels are a very robust, time-proven approach to concurrency. Erlang has done that for years, as have applications based on the Message Passing Interface (MPI) specification [29].

To add acclaim to remedy,5 good programming practice even in default-share multithreaded languages actually enshrines that threads ought to be isolated. Herb Sutter, a world-class expert in concurrency, writes in an article eloquently entitled "Use threads correctly = isolation + asynchronous messages" [54]:

    * Threads are a low-level tool for expressing asynchronous work. "Uplevel" them by applying discipline: strive to make their data private, and have them communicate and synchronize using asynchronous messages. Each thread that needs to get information from other threads or from people should have a message queue, whether a simple FIFO queue or a priority queue, and organize its work around an event-driven message pump mainline; replacing spaghetti with event-driven logic is a great way to improve the clarity and determinism of your code.

If there is one thing that decades of computing have taught us, it must be that discipline-oriented programming does not scale. It is reassuring, then, to reckon that the quote above pretty much summarizes quite accurately the following few sections, save for the discipline part.
13.4 Starting a Thread

To start a thread, use the spawn function like this:

import std.concurrency, std.stdio;

void main() {
   auto low = 0, high = 100;
   spawn(&fun, low, high);
   foreach (i; low .. high) {
      writeln("Main thread: ", i);

void fun(int low, int high) {
   foreach (i; low .. high) {
      writeln("Secondary thread: ", i);

The spawn function takes the address of a function &fun and a number of arguments <a1>, <a2>, ..., <an>. The number of arguments n and their types must match fun's signature, that is, the call fun (<a1>, <a2>, ..., <an>) must be correct. This check is done at compile time. spawn creates a new execution thread, which will issue the call fun (<a1>, <a2>, ..., <an> ) and then terminate. Of course, spawn does not wait for the thread to terminate—it returns as soon as the thread is created and the arguments are passed to it (in this case, two integers).

The program above outputs a total of 200 lines to the standard output. The interleaving of lines depends on a variety of factors; it's possible that you would see 100 lines from the main thread followed by 100 lines from the secondary thread, the exact opposite, or some seemingly random interleaving. There will never be, however, a mix of two messages on the same line. This is because writeln is defined to make each call atomic with regard to its output stream. Also, the order of lines emitted by each thread will be respected.

Even if the execution of main may end before the execution of fun in the secondary thread, the program patiently waits for all threads to finish before exiting. This is because the runtime support library follows a little protocol for program termination, which we'll discuss later; for now, let's just note that other threads don't suddenly die just because main returns.

As promised by the isolation guarantee, the newly created thread shares nothing with the caller thread. Well, almost nothing: the global file handle stdout is de facto shared across the two threads. But there is no cheating: if you look at the std.stdio module's implementation, you will see that stdout is defined as a global shared variable. Everything is properly accounted for in the type system.
13.4.1 immutable Sharing

What kind of functions can you call via spawn? The no-sharing stance imposes certain restrictions—you may use only by-value parameters for the thread starter function (fun in the example above). Any pass by reference, either explicit (by use of a ref parameter) or implicit (e.g., by use of an array) should be verboten. With that in mind, let's take a look at the following rewrite of the example:

import std.concurrency, std.stdio;

void main() {
   auto low = 0, high = 100;
   auto message = "Yeah, hi #";
   spawn(&fun, message, low, high);
   foreach (i; low .. high) {
      writeln("Main thread: ", message, i);

void fun(string text, int low, int high) {
   foreach (i; low .. high) {
      writeln("Secondary thread: ", text, i);

The rewritten example is similar to the original, but it prints an additional string. That string is created in the main thread and passed without copying into the secondary thread. Effectively, the contents of message are shared between the two threads. This violates the aforementioned principle that all data sharing must be explicitly marked through the use of the shared keyword. Yet the example compiles and runs. What is happening?

Chapter 8 explains that immutable provides a strong guarantee: an immutable value is guaranteed never to change throughout its lifetime. The same chapter explains (§ 8.2 on page 291) that the type string is actually an alias for immutable(char)[]. Finally, we know that all contention is caused by sharing of writable data—as long as nobody changes it, you can share data freely as everybody will see the exact same thing. The type system and the entire threading infrastructure acknowledge that fact by allowing all immutable data to be freely sharable across threads. In particular, string values can be shared because their characters can't be changed. In fact, a large part of the motivation behind introducing immutable into the language was the help it brings with sharing structured data across threads.
13.5 Exchanging Messages between Threads

Threads that print messages with arbitrary interleavings are hardly interesting. Let's modify the example to ensure that threads work in tandem to print messages as follows:

Main thread: 0
Secondary thread: 0
Main thread: 1
Secondary thread: 1
Main thread: 999
Secondary thread: 999

To achieve that, we need to define a little protocol between the two threads: the main thread should send the message "Print this number" to the secondary thread, and the secondary thread must answer back, "Done printing." There is hardly any concurrency going on, but the example serves well the purpose of explaining pure communication. In real applications, threads should spend most of their time doing useful work and spend relatively little time communicating with each other.

First off, in order for two threads to communicate, they need to know how to address each other. A program may have many threads chattering away, so an identification means is necessary. To address a thread, you must get a grip on its thread id, nicknamed henceforth as "tid," which is returned by spawn. (The name of a tid's type is actually Tid.) In turn, the secondary thread also needs a tid to send the response back. That's easy to do by having the sender specify its own Tid the same way you'd write the sender's address on a snail mail envelope. Here's what the code looks like:

import std.concurrency, std.stdio;
void main() {
   auto low = 0, high = 100;
   auto tid = spawn(&writer);
   foreach (i; low .. high) {
      writeln("Main thread: ", i);
      tid.send(thisTid, i);
      enforce(receiveOnly!Tid() == tid);

void writer() {
   for (;;) {
      auto msg = receiveOnly!(Tid, int)();
      writeln("Secondary thread: ", msg[1]);

This time around writer takes no more arguments because it receives the information it needs in the form of messages. The main thread saves the Tid returned by spawn and then uses it in the call to the send method. The call sends two pieces of data to the other thread: the current thread's Tid, accessed via the global property thisTid, and the integer to be printed. After throwing that data over the fence to the other thread, the main thread waits for acknowledgment in the form of a call to receiveOnly. The send and receiveOnly functions work in tandem: one call to send in one thread is met by a call to receiveOnly in the other. The "only" in receiveOnly is present because receiveOnly accepts only specific types—for example, in the call receiveOnly!bool(), the caller accepts only a message consisting of a bool value; if another thread sends anything else, receiveOnly throws a MessageMismatch exception.

Let's leave main rummaging around the foreach loop and focus on writer's implementation, which implements the other side of the mini-protocol. writer spends time in a loop starting with the receipt of a message that must consist of a Tid and an int. That's what the call receiveOnly!(Tid, int)() ensures; again, if the main thread sent a message with some different number or types of arguments, receiveOnly would fail by throwing an exception. As written, the receiveOnly call in writer matches perfectly the call tid.send(thisTid, i) made from main.

The type of msg is Tuple!(Tid, int). Generally, messages with multiple arguments are packed in Tuple objects with one member per argument. If, however, the message consists only of one value, there's no redundant packing in a Tuple. For example, receiveOnly!int() returns an int, not a Tuple!int.

Continuing with writer, the next line performs the actual printing. Recall that for the tuple msg, msg[0] accesses the first member (i.e., the Tid) and msg[1] accesses the second member (the int). Finally, writer acknowledges that it finished writing to the console by simply sending its own Tid back to the sender—a sort of a blank letter that only confirms the originating address. "Yes, I got your message," the empty letter implies, "and acted upon it. Your turn." The main thread waits for that confirmation before continuing its work, and the loop goes on.

Sending back the Tid of the secondary thread is superfluous in this case; any dummy value, such as an int or a bool, would have sufficed. But in the general case there are many threads sending messages to one another, so self-identification becomes important.
13.6 Pattern Matching with receive

Most useful communication protocols are more complex than the one we defined above, and receiveOnly is quite limited. For example, it is quite difficult to implement with receiveOnly an action such as "receive an int or a string."

A more powerful primitive is receive, which matches and dispatches messages based on their type. A typical call to receive looks like this:

   (string s) { writeln("Got a string with value ", s); },
   (int x) { writeln("Got an int with value ", x); }

The call above matches any of the following send calls:

send(tid, "hello");
send(tid, 5);
send(tid, 'a');
send(tid, 42u);

The first send call matches a string and is therefore dispatched to the first function literal in receive, and the other three match an int and are passed to the second function literal. By the way, the handler functions don't need to be literals—some or all of them may be addresses of named functions:

void handleString(string s) { ... }
   (int x) { writeln("Got an int with value ", x); }

Matching is not exact; instead, it follows normal overloading rules, by which char and uint are implicitly convertible to int. Conversely, the following calls will not be matched:

send(tid, "hello"w); // UTF-16 string (§ 4.5 on page 118)
send(tid, 5L);       // long
send(tid, 42.0);     // double

When receive sees a message of an unexpected type, it doesn't throw an exception (as receiveOnly does). The message-passing subsystem simply saves the non-matching messages in a queue, colloquially known as the thread's mailbox. receive waits patiently for the arrival of a message of a matching type in the mailbox. This makes receive and the protocols implemented on top of it more flexible, but also more susceptible to blocking and mailbox crowding. One communication misunderstanding is enough for a thread's mailbox to accumulate messages of the wrong type while receive is waiting for a message type that never arrives.

The send/receive combo handles multiple arguments easily by using Tuple as an intermediary. For example:

   (long x, double y) { ... },
   (int x) { ... }

matches the same messages as

   (Tuple!(long, double) tp) { ... },
   (int x) { ... }

A call like send(tid, 5, 6.3) matches the first function literal in both examples above.

To allow a thread to take contingency action in case messages are delayed, receive has a variant receiveTimeout that expires after a specified time. The expiration is signaled by receiveTimeout returning false:

auto gotMessage = receiveTimeout(
   1000, // Time in milliseconds
   (string s) { writeln("Got a string with value ", s); },
   (int x) { writeln("Got an int with value ", x); }
if (!gotMessage) {
   stderr.writeln("Timed out after one second.");

13.6.1 First Match

Consider the following example:

   (long x) { ... },
   (string x) { ... },
   (int x) { ... }

This call will not compile: receive rejects the call because the third handler could never be reached. Any int sent down the pipe stops at the first handler.

In receive, the order of arguments dictates how matches are attempted. This is similar, for example, to how catch clauses are evaluated in a try statement but is unlike object-oriented function dispatch. Reasonable people may disagree on the relative qualities of first match and best match; suffice it to say that first match seems to serve this particular form of receive quite well.

The compile-time enforcement performed by receive is simple: for any message types <Msg1> and <Msg2> with <Msg2>'s handler coming after <Msg1>'s in the receive call, receive makes sure that <Msg2> is not convertible to <Msg1>. If it is, that means <Msg1> will match messages of type <Msg2> so compilation of the call is refused. In the example above, the check fails when <Msg1> is long and <Msg2> is int.
13.6.2 Matching Any Message

What if you wanted to make sure you're looking at any and all messages in a mailbox—for example, to make sure it doesn't get filled with junk mail?

The answer is simple—just accept the type Variant in the last position of receive, like this:

   (long x) { ... },
   (string x) { ... },
   (double x, double y) { ... },
   (Variant any) { ... }

The Variant type defined in module std.variant is a dynamic type able to hold exactly one value of any other type. receive recognizes Variant as a generic holder for any message type, and as such a call to receive that has a handler for Variant will always return as soon as at least one message is in the queue.

Planting a Variant handler at the bottom of the message handling food chain is a good method to make sure that stray messages aren't left in your mailbox.
13.7 File Copying—with a Twist

Let's write a short program that copies files—a popular way to get acquainted with a language's file system interface. Ah, the joy of K&R's classic getchar/putchar example [34, Chapter 1, page 15]. Of course, the system-provided programs that copy files use buffered reads and writes and many other optimizations to accelerate transfer speed, so it would be difficult to write a competitive program, but concurrency may give an edge.

The usual approach to file copying goes like this:

   1. Read data from the source file into a buffer.
   2. If nothing was read, done.
   3. Write the buffer into the target file.
   4. Repeat from step 1.

Adding appropriate error handling completes a useful (if unoriginal) program. If you select a large enough buffer and both the source and destination files reside on the same disk, the performance of the algorithm is near optimal.

Nowadays a variety of physical devices count as file repositories, such as hard drives, thumb drives, optical disks, connected smart phones, and remotely connected network services. These devices have various latency and speed profiles and connect to the computer via different hardware and software interfaces. Such interfaces could and should be put to work in parallel, not one at a time as the "read buffer/write buffer" algorithm above prescribes. Ideally, both the source and the target device should be kept as busy as possible, something we could effect with two threads following the producer-consumer protocol:

   1. Spawn one secondary thread that listens to messages containing memory buffers and writes them to the target file in a loop.
   2. Read data from the source file in a newly allocated buffer.
   3. If nothing was read, done.
   4. Send a message containing the read buffer to the secondary thread.
   5. Repeat from step 2.

In the new setup, one thread keeps the source busy and the other keeps the target busy. Depending on the nature of the source and target, significant acceleration could be obtained. If the device speeds are comparable and relatively slow compared to the bandwidth of the memory bus, the speed of copying could theoretically be doubled. Let's write a simple producer-consumer program that copies stdin to stdout:

import std.algorithm, std.concurrency, std.stdio;

void main() {
   enum bufferSize = 1024 * 100;
   auto tid = spawn(&fileWriter);
   // Read loop
   foreach (immutable(ubyte)[] buffer; stdin.byChunk(bufferSize)) {
      send(tid, buffer);

void fileWriter() {
   // Write loop
   for (;;) {
      auto buffer = receiveOnly!(immutable(ubyte)[])();

The program above transfers data from the main thread to the secondary thread through immutable sharing: the messages passed have the type immutable(ubyte)[], that is, arrays of immutable unsigned bytes. Those buffers are acquired in the foreach loop by reading input in chunks of type immutable(ubyte)[], each of size bufferSize. At each pass through the loop, one new buffer is allocated, read into, and bound to buffer. The foreach control part does most of the hard work; all the body has to do is send off the buffer to the secondary thread. As discussed, passing data around is possible because of immutable; if you replaced immutable(ubyte)[] with ubyte[], the call to send would not compile.
13.8 Thread Termination

There's something unusual about the examples given so far, in particular writer defined on page 402 and fileWriter defined on the facing page: both functions contain an infinite loop. In fact, a closer look at the file copy example reveals that main and fileWriter understand each other well regarding copying things around but never discuss application termination; in other words, main does not ever tell fileWriter, "We're done; let's finish and go home."

Termination of multithreaded applications has always been tricky. Threads are easy to start, but once started they are difficult to finish; the application shutdown event is asynchronous and may catch a thread in the middle of an arbitrary operation. Low-level threading APIs do offer a means to forcefully terminate threads, but invariably with the cautionary note that such a function is a blunt tool that should be replaced with a higher-level shutdown protocol.

D offers a simple and robust thread termination protocol. Each thread has an owner thread; by default the owner is the thread that initiated the spawn. You can change the current thread's owner dynamically by calling setOwner(tid). Each thread has exactly one owner but a given thread may own multiple threads.

The most important manifestation of the owner/owned relationship is that when the owner thread terminates, the calls to receive in the owned thread will throw the OwnerTerminated exception. The exception is thrown only if receive has no more matching messages and must wait for a new message; as long as receive has something to fetch from the mailbox, it will not throw. In other words, when the owner thread terminates, the owned threads' calls to receive (or receiveOnly for that matter) will throw OwnerTerminated if and only if they would otherwise block waiting for a new message. The ownership relation is not necessarily unidirectional. In fact, two threads may even own each other; in that case, whichever thread finishes will notify the other.

With thread ownership in mind, let's take a fresh look at the file copy program on page 406. At any given moment, there are a number of messages in flight between the main thread and the secondary thread. The faster the reads are relative to writes, the more buffers will wait in the writer thread's mailbox waiting to be processed. When main returns, it will cause the call to receive to throw an exception, but not before all of the pending messages are handled. Right after the mailbox of the writer is cleared (and the last drop of data is written to the target file), the next call to receive throws. The writer thread exits with the OwnerTerminated exception, which is recognized by the runtime system, which simply ignores it. The operating system closes stdin and stdout as it always does, and the copy operation succeeds.

It may appear there is a race between the moment the last message is sent from main and the moment main returns (causing receive to throw). What if the exception "makes it" before the last message—or worse, before the last few messages? In fact there is no race because causality is always respected in the posting thread: the last message is posted onto the secondary thread's queue before the OwnerTerminated exception makes its way (in fact, propagating the exception is done via the same queue as regular messages). However, a race would exist if main exits while a different, third thread is posting messages onto fileWriter's queue.

A similar reasoning shows that our previous simple example that writes 200 messages in lockstep is also correct: main exits after mailing (in the nick of time) the last message to the secondary thread. The secondary thread first exhausts the queue and then ends with the OwnerTerminated exception.

If you find throwing an exception too harsh a mechanism for handling a thread's exit, you can always handle OwnerTerminated explicitly:

// Ends without an exception
void fileWriter() {
   // Write loop
   for (bool running = true; running; ) {
         (immutable(ubyte)[] buffer) { tgt.write(buffer); },
         (OwnerTerminated) { running = false; }
   stderr.writeln("Normally terminated.");

In this case, fileWriter returns peacefully when main exits and everyone's happy. But what happens in the case when the secondary thread—the writer—throws an exception? The call to the write function may fail if there's a problem writing data to tgt. In that case, the call to send from the primary thread will fail by throwing an OwnedFailed exception, which is exactly what should happen. By the way, if an owned thread exits normally (as opposed to throwing an exception), subsequent calls to send to that thread also fail, just with a different exception type: OwnedTerminated.

The file copy program is more robust than its simplicity may suggest. However, it should be said that relying on the default termination protocol works smoothly when the relationships between threads are simple and well understood. When there are many participating threads and the ownership graph is complex, it is best to establish explicit "end-of-communication" protocols throughout. In the file copy example, a simple idea would be to send by convention a buffer of size zero to signal the writer that the reading thread has finished successfully. Then the writer acknowledges termination to the reader, which finally can exit. Such an explicit protocol scales well to cases when there are multiple threads processing the data stream between the reader and the writer.
13.9 Out-of-Band Communication

Consider that you're using the presumably smart file-copying program we just defined to copy a large file from a fast local store to a slow network drive. Midway through the copy, there's a read error—the file is corrupt. That causes read and subsequently main to throw an exception while there are many buffers in flight that haven't yet been written. More generally, we saw that if the owner terminates normally, any blocking call to receive from its owned threads will throw. What happens if the owner exits with an exception?

If a thread terminates by means of an exception, that indicates a serious issue that must be signaled with relative urgency to the owned threads. Indeed this is carried out via an out-of-band message.

Recall that receive cares only about matching messages and lets all others accumulate in the queue. There is one amendment to that behavior. A thread may initiate an out-of-band message by calling prioritySend instead of send. The two functions accept the same parameters but exhibit different behaviors that actually manifest themselves on the receiving side. Passing a message of type T with prioritySend causes receive in the receiving thread to act as follows:

    * If the call to receive handles type T, then the priority message will be the next message handled, even though it arrived later than other regular (non-priority) messages. Priority messages are always pushed to the beginning of the queue, so the latest priority message sent is always the first fetched by receive (even if other priority messages are already waiting).
    * If the call to receive does not handle type T (i.e., would leave the message waiting in the mailbox) and if T inherits Exception, receive throws the message directly.
    * If the call to receive does not handle type T and T does not inherit Exception, receive throws an exception of type PriorityMessageException!T. That exception holds a copy of the message sent in the form of a member called message.

If a thread exits via an exception, the exception OwnerFailed propagates to all of its owned threads by means of prioritySend. In the file copy program, main throwing also causes fileWriter to throw as soon as it calls receive, and the entire process terminates by printing an error message and returning a nonzero exit code. Unlike the normal termination case, there may be buffers in flight that have been read but not yet written.
13.10 Mailbox Crowding

The producer-consumer file copy program works quite well but has an important shortcoming. Consider copying a large file between two devices of different speeds, for example, copying a legally acquired movie file from an internal drive (fast) to a network drive (possibly considerably slower). In that case, the producer (the main thread) issues buffers at considerable speed, much faster than the speed with which the consumer is able to unload them in the target file. The difference in the two speeds causes a net accumulation of buffers, which may cause the program to consume a lot of memory without achieving a boost in efficiency.

To avoid mailbox crowding, the concurrency API allows setting the maximum size of a thread's message queue, and also setting the action to take in case the maximum size has been reached. The signatures of relevance here are

// Inside std.concurrency
void setMaxMailboxSize(Tid tid, size_t messages,
bool(Tid) onCrowdingDoThis);

The call setMaxMailboxSize(tid, messages, onCrowdingDoThis) directs the concurrency API to call onCrowdingDoThis(tid) whenever a new message is to be passed but the queue already contains messages entries. If onCrowdingDoThis(tid) returns false or throws an exception, the new message is ignored. Otherwise, the size of the thread's queue is checked again, and if it is less than messages, the new message is posted to thread tid. Otherwise, the entire loop is resumed.

The call occurs in the caller thread, not the callee. In other words, the thread that initiates sending a message is also responsible for taking contingency action in case the maximum mailbox size of the recipient has been reached. It seems reasonable to ask why the call should not occur in the callee; that would, however, scale the wrong way in heavily threaded programs because threads with full mailboxes may become crippled by many calls from other threads attempting to send messages.

There are a few prepackaged actions to perform when the mailbox is full: block the caller until the queue becomes smaller, throw an exception, or ignore the new message. Such predefined actions are conveniently packaged as follows:

// Inside std.concurrency
enum OnCrowding { block, throwException, ignore }
void setMaxMailboxSize(Tid tid, size_t messages, OnCrowding doThis);

In our case, it's best to simply block the reader thread once the mailbox becomes too large, which we can effect by inserting the call

setMaxMailboxSize(tid, 1024, OnCrowding.block);

right after the call to spawn.

The following sections describe approaches to inter-thread communication that are alternative or complementary to message passing. Message passing is the recommended method of inter-thread communication; it is easy to understand, fast, well behaved, reliable, and scalable. You should descend to lower-level communication mechanisms only in special circumstances—and don't forget, "special" is not always as special as it seems.
13.11 The shared Type Qualifier

We already got acquainted with shared in § 13.3 on page 397. To the type system, shared indicates that several threads have access to a piece of data. The compiler acknowledges that reality by restricting operations on shared data and by generating special code for the accepted operations.

The global definition

shared uint threadsCount;

introduces a value of type shared(uint), which corresponds to a global unsigned int in a C program. Such a variable is visible to all threads in the system. The annotation helps the compiler a great deal: the language "knows" that threadsCount is freely accessible from multiple threads and forbids naïve access to it. For example:

void bumpThreadsCount() {
   ++threadsCount; // Error!
                   // Cannot increment a shared int!

What's happening? Down at machine level, ++threadsCount is not an atomic operation; it's a read-modify-write operation: threadsCount is loaded into a register, the register value is incremented, and then threadsCount is written back to memory. For the whole operation to be correct, these three steps need to be performed as an indivisible unit. The correct way to increment a shared integer is to use whatever specialized atomic increment primitives the processor offers, which are portably packaged in the std.concurrency module:

import std.concurrency;
shared uint threadsCount;

void bumpThreadsCount() {
   // std.concurrency defines
   //    atomicOp(string op)(ref shared uint, int)
   atomicOp!"+="(threadsCount, 1); // Fine

Because all shared data is accounted for and protected under the aegis of the language, passing shared data via send and receive is allowed.
13.11.1 The Plot Thickens: shared Is Transitive

Chapter 8 explains why const and immutable must be transitive (aka deep or recursive): following any indirections starting from an immutable object must keep data immutable. Otherwise, the immutable guarantee has the power of a comment in the code. You can't say something is immutable "up to a point" after which it changes its mind. You can, however, say that data is mutable up to a point, where it becomes immutable through and through. Stepping into immutability is veering down a one-way street. We've seen that immutable facilitates a number of correct and pain-free idioms, including functional style and sharing of data across threads. If immutability applied "up to a point," then so would program correctness.

The same exact reasoning goes for shared. In fact, with shared the necessity of transitivity becomes painfully obvious. Consider:

shared int* pInt;

which according to the qualifier syntax (§ 8.2 on page 291) is equivalent to

shared(int*) pInt;

The correct meaning of pInt is "The pointer is shared and the data pointed to by the pointer is also shared." A shallow, non-transitive approach to sharing would make pInt "a shared pointer to non-shared memory," which would be great if it weren't untenable. It's like saying, "I'll share this wallet with everyone; just please remember that the money in it ain't shared."6 Claiming the pointer is shared across threads but the pointed-to data is not takes us back to the wonderful programming-by-honor-system paradigm that has failed so successfully throughout history. It's not the voluntary malicious uses, it's the honest mistakes that form the bulk of problems. Software is large, complex, and ever-changing, traits that never go well with maintaining guarantees through convention.

There is, however, a notion of "unshared pointer to shared data" that does hold water. Some thread holds a private pointer, and the pointer "looks" at shared data. That is easily expressible syntactically as

shared(int)* pInt;

As an aside, if there exists a "Best Form-Follows-Function" award, then the notation qualifier(type) should snatch it. It's perfect. You can't even syntactically create the wrong pointer type, because it would look like this:

int shared(*) pInt;

which does not make sense even syntactically because (*) is not a type (granted, it is a nice emoticon for a cyclops).

Transitivity of shared applies not only to pointers, but also to fields of struct and class objects: fields of a shared object are automatically qualified as shared as well. We'll discuss in detail the ways in which shared interacts with classes and structs later in this chapter.
13.12 Operations with shared Data and Their Effects

Working with shared data is peculiar because multiple threads may read and write it at any moment. Therefore, the compiler makes sure that all operations preserve integrity of data and also causality of operations.

Reads and writes of shared values are allowed and guaranteed to be atomic: numeric types (save for real), pointers, arrays, function pointers, delegates, and class references. struct types containing exactly one of the mentioned types are also readable and writable atomically. Notably absent is real, which is the only platform-dependent type with which the implementation has discretion regarding atomic sharing. On Intel machines, real has 80 bits, which makes it difficult to assign atomically in 32-bit programs. Anyway, real is meant mostly for high-precision temporary results and not for data interchange, so it makes little sense to want to share it anyway.

For all numeric types and function pointers, shared-qualified values are convertible implicitly to and from unqualified values. Pointer conversions between shared(T*) and shared(T)* are allowed in both directions. Primitives in std.concurrency allow you to do arithmetic on shared numeric types.
13.12.1 Sequential Consistency of shared Data

With regard to the visibility of shared data operations across threads, D makes two guarantees:

    * The order of reads and writes of shared data issued by one thread is the same as the order specified by the source code.
    * The global order of reads and writes of shared data is some interleaving of reads and writes from multiple threads.

That seems to be a very reasonable set of assumptions—self-evident even. In fact, the two guarantees fit time-sliced threads implemented on a uniprocessor system quite well.

On multiprocessors, however, these guarantees are very restrictive. The problem is that in order to ensure the guarantees, all writes must be instantly visible throughout all threads. To effect that, shared accesses must be surrounded by special machine code instructions called memory barriers, ensuring that the order of reads and writes of shared data is the same as seen by all running threads. Such serialization is considerably more expensive in the presence of elaborate cache hierarchies. Also, staunch adherence to sequential consistency prevents reordering of operations, an important source of compiler-level optimizations. Combined, the two restrictions lead to dramatic slowdown—as much as one order of magnitude.

The good news is that such a speed loss occurs only with shared data, which tends to be rare. In real programs, most data is not shared and therefore need not meet sequential consistency requirements. The compiler optimizes code using non-shared data to the maximum, in full confidence that no other thread can ever access it, and only tiptoes around shared data. A common and recommended programming style with shared data is to copy shared values into thread-local working copies, work on the copies, and then write the copies back into the shared values.
13.13 Lock-Based Synchronization with synchronized classes

A historically popular method of writing multithreaded programs is lock-based synchronization. Under that discipline, access to shared data is protected by mutexes—synchronization objects that serialize execution of portions of the code that temporarily break data coherence, or that might see such a temporary breakage. Such portions of code are called critical sections.7

A lock-based program's correctness is ensured by introducing ordered, serial access to shared data. A thread that needs access to a piece of shared data must acquire (lock) a mutex, operate on the data, and then release (unlock) that mutex. Only one thread at a time may acquire a given mutex, which is how serialization is effected: when several threads want to acquire the same mutex, one "wins" and the others wait nicely in line. (The way the line is served—that is, thread priority—is important and may affect applications and the operating system quite visibly.)

Arguably the "Hello, world!" of multithreaded programs is the bank account example—an object accessible from multiple threads that must expose a safe interface for depositing and withdrawing funds. The single-threaded baseline version looks like this:

import std.contracts;

// Single-threaded bank account
class BankAccount {
   private double _balance;
   void deposit(double amount) {
      _balance += amount;
   void withdraw(double amount) {
      enforce(_balance >= amount);
      _balance -= amount;
   @property double balance() {
      return _balance;

In a free-threaded world, += and -= are a tad misleading because they "look" atomic but are not—both are read-modify-write operations. Really _balance += amount is encoded as _balance = _balance + amount, which means the processor loads _balance and _amount into its own operating memory (registers or an internal stack), adds them, and deposits the result back into _balance.

Unprotected concurrent read-modify-write operations lead to incorrect behavior. Say your account has _balance == 100.0 and one thread triggered by a check deposit calls deposit(50). The call gets interrupted, right after having loaded 100.0 from memory, by another thread calling withdraw(2.5). (That's you at the corner coffee shop getting a latte with your debit card.) Let's say the coffee shop thread finishes the entire call uninterrupted and updates _balance to 97.5, but that event happens unbeknownst to the deposit thread, which has loaded 100 into a CPU register already and still thinks that's the right amount. The call deposit(50) computes a new balance of 150 and writes that number back into _balance. That is a typical race condition. Congratulations—free coffee for you (be warned, though; buggy book examples may be rigged in your favor, but buggy production code isn't). To introduce proper synchronization, many languages offer a Mutex type that lock-based threaded programs use to protect access to balance:

// This is not D code
// Multithreaded bank account in a language with explicit mutexes
class BankAccount {
   private double _balance;
   private Mutex _guard;
   void deposit(double amount) {
      _balance += amount;
   void withdraw(double amount) {
      try {
         enforce(_balance >= amount);
         _balance -= amount;
      } finally {
   @property double balance() {
      double result = _balance;
      return result;

All operations on _balance are now protected by acquiring _guard. It may seem there is no need to protect balance with _guard because a double can be read atomically, but protection must be there for reasons hiding themselves under multiple layers of Maya veils. In brief, because of today's aggressive optimizing compilers and relaxed memory models, all access to shared data must entail some odd secret handshake that has the writing thread, the reading thread, and the optimizing compiler as participants; absolutely any bald read of shared data throws you into a world of pain (so it's great that D disallows such baldness by design). First and most obvious, the optimizing compiler, seeing no attempt at synchronization on your part, feels entitled to optimize access to _balance by holding it in a processor register. Second, in all but the most trivial examples, the compiler and the CPU feel entitled to freely reorder bald, unqualified access to shared data because they consider themselves to be dealing with thread-local data. (Why? Because that's most often the case and yields the fastest code, and besides, why hurt the plebes instead of the few and the virtuous?) This is one of the ways in which modern multithreading defies intuition and confuses programmers versed in classic multithreading. In brief, the balance property must be synchronized to make sure the secret handshake takes place.

To guarantee proper unlocking of Mutex in the presence of exceptions and early returns, languages with scoped object lifetime and destructors define an ancillary Lock type to acquire the lock in its constructor and release it in the destructor. The ensuing idiom is known as scoped locking [50] and its application to BankAccount looks like this:

// C++ version of an interlocked bank account using scoped locking
class BankAccount {
   double _bala
Colorful 2010-07-08

大体浏览了一下,Andrei 老牛还是推荐选择了消息传递模型。好吧,新一轮的思维轰炸又来了,嘿嘿。
joseph_he 2010-07-08
yntcsb 2010-07-08
如果谁能搞到《The d programming language》完整版就好。
hqs7636 2010-07-08

To guarantee proper unlocking of Mutex in the presence of exceptions and early returns, languages with scoped object lifetime and destructors define an ancillary Lock type to acquire the lock in its constructor and release it in the destructor. The ensuing idiom is known as scoped locking [50] and its application to BankAccount  looks like this:

// C++ version of an interlocked bank account using scoped locking
class BankAccount {
   double _balance;
   Mutex _guard;
   void deposit(double amount) {
      auto lock = Lock(_guard);
      _balance += amount;
   void withdraw(double amount) {
      auto lock = Lock(_guard);
      enforce(_balance >= amount);
      _balance -= amount;
   double balance() {
      auto lock = Lock(_guard);
      return _balance;

Lock simplifies code and improves its correctness by automating the pairing of locking and unlocking. Java, C#, and other languages simplify matters further by embedding _guard as a hidden member and hoisting locking logic up to the signature of the method. In Java, the example would look like this:

// Java version of an interlocked bank account using
//    automated scoped locking with the synchronized statement
class BankAccount {
   private double _balance;
   public synchronized void deposit(double amount) {
      _balance += amount;
   public synchronized void withdraw(double amount) {
      enforce(_balance >= amount);
      _balance -= amount;
   public synchronized double balance() {
      return _balance;

The corresponding C# code looks similar, though synchronized should be replaced with [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)].

Well, you've just seen the good news: in the small, lock-based programming is easy to understand and seems to work well. The bad news is that in the large, it is very difficult to pair locks with data appropriately, choose locking scope and granularity, and use locks consistently across several objects (not paying attention to the latter issue leads to threads waiting for each other in a deadlock). Such issues made lock-based coding difficult enough in the good ole days of classic multithreading; modern multithreading (with massive concurrency, relaxed memory models, and expensive data sharing) has put lock-based programming under increasing attack [53]. Nevertheless, lock-based synchronization is still useful in a variety of designs.

D offers limited mechanisms for lock-based synchronization. The limits are deliberate and have the advantage of ensuring strong guarantees. In the particular case of BankAccount, the D version is very simple:

// D interlocked bank account using a synchronized class
synchronized class BankAccount {
   private double _balance;
   void deposit(double amount) {
      _balance += amount;
   void withdraw(double amount) {
      enforce(_balance >= amount);
      _balance -= amount;
   double balance() {
      return _balance;

D hoists synchronized one level up to the entire class. This allows D's BankAccount to provides stronger guarantees: even if you wanted to make a mistake, there is no way to offer back-door unsynchronized access to _balance. If D allowed mixing synchronized and unsynchronized methods in the same class, all bets would be off. In fact, experience with method-level synchronized has shown that it's best to either define all or none as synchronized; dual-purpose classes are more trouble than they're worth.

The synchronized class-level attribute affects objects of type shared(BankAccount) and automatically serializes calls to any method of the class. Also, protection checks get stricter for synchronized classes. Recall that according to § 11.1 on page 337, normal protection checks ordinarily do allow access to non-public members for all code within a module. Not so for synchronized classes, which obey the following rules:

    * No public data is allowed at all.
    * Access to protected members is restricted to methods of the class and its descendants.
    * Access to private members is restricted to methods of the class.

13.14 Field Typing in synchronized classes

The transitivity rule for shared objects dictates that a shared class object propagates the shared qualifier down to its fields. Clearly synchronized brings some additional law and order to the table, which is reflected in relaxed typechecking of fields inside the methods of synchronized classes. In order to provide strong guarantees, synchronized affects semantic checking of fields in a slightly peculiar manner, which tracks the correspondingly peculiar semantics of synchronized.

Synchronized methods' protection against races is temporary and local. The temporary aspect is caused by the fact that as soon as the method returns, fields are not protected against races anymore. The local aspect concerns the fact that synchronized ensures protection of data directly embedded inside the object, but not data indirectly referred by the object (i.e., through class references, pointers, or arrays). Let's look at each in turn.
13.14.1 Temporary Protection == No Escape

Maybe not very intuitively, the temporary nature of synchronized entails the rule that no address of a field can escape a synchronized address. If that happened, some other portion of the code could access some data beyond the temporary protection conferred by method-level synchronization.

The compiler will reject any attempt to return a ref or a pointer to a field out of a method, or to pass a field by ref or by pointer to some function. To illustrate why that rule is sensible, consider the following example:

double * nyukNyuk; // N.B.: not shared

void sneaky(ref double r) { nyukNyuk = &r; }

synchronized class BankAccount {
   private double _balance;
   void fun() {
      nyukNyuk = &_balance;     // Error!  (as there should be)
      sneaky(_balance);         // Error!  (as there should be)

The first line of fun attempts to take the address of _balance and assign it to a global. If that operation were to succeed, the type system's guarantee would have failed—henceforth, the program would have shared access to data through a non-shared value. The assignment fails to typecheck. The second operation is a tad more subtle in that it attempts to do the aliasing via a function call that takes a ref parameter. That also fails; practically, passing a value by means of ref entails taking the address prior to the call. Taking the address is forbidden, so the call fails.
13.14.2 Local Protection == Tail Sharing

The protection offered by synchronized is also local in the sense that it doesn't necessarily protect data beyond the direct fields of the object. As soon as indirection enters into play, the guarantee that only one thread has access to data is lost. If you think of data as consisting of a "head" (the part sitting in the physical memory occupied by the BankAccount object) and possibly a "tail" (memory accessed indirectly), then a synchronized class is able to protect the "head" of the data, whereas the "tail" remains shared. In light of that reality, typing of fields of a synchronized class inside a method goes as follows:

    * All numeric types are not shared (they have no tail) so they can be manipulated normally.
    * Array fields declared with type T[] receive type shared(T)[]; that is, the head (the slice limits) is not shared and the tail (the contents of the array) remains shared.
    * Pointer fields declared with type T* receive type shared(T)*; that is, the head (the pointer itself) is not shared and the tail (the pointed-to data) remains shared.
    * Class fields declared with type T receive type shared(T). Classes are automatically by-reference, so they're "all tail."

These rules apply on top of the no-escape rule described in the previous section. One direct consequence is that operations affecting direct fields of the object can be freely reordered and optimized inside the method, as if sharing has been temporarily suspended for them—which is exactly what synchronized does.

There are cases in which an object completely owns another. Consider, for example, that the BankAccount stores all of its past transactions in a list of double:

// Not synchronized and generally thread-agnostic
class List(T) {
   void append(T value) {

// Keeps a List of transactions
synchronized class BankAccount {
   private double _balance;
   private List!double _transactions;
   void deposit(double amount) {
      _balance += amount;
   void withdraw(double amount) {
      enforce(_balance >= amount);
      _balance -= amount;
   double balance() {
      return _balance;

The List class was not designed to be shared across threads so it does not use any synchronization mechanism, but it is in fact never shared! All of its uses are entirely private to the BankAccount object and completely protected inside synchronized methods. Assuming List does not do senseless shenanigans such as saving some internal pointer into a global variable, the code should be good to go.

Unfortunately, it isn't. Code like the above would not work in D because append is not callable against a shared(List!double) object. One obvious reason for the compiler's refusal is that the honor system doesn't go well with compilers. List may be a well-behaved class and all, but the compiler would have to have somewhat harder evidence to know that there is no sneaky aliasing of shared data afoot. The compiler could, in theory, go ahead and inspect List's class definition, but in turn, List may be using some other components found in other modules, and before you can say "interprocedural analysis," things are getting out of hand.

Interprocedural analysis is a technique used by compilers and program analyzers to prove facts about a program by looking at more functions at once. Such analyses are typically slow, scale poorly with program size, and are sworn enemies of separate compilation. Although there exist systems that use interprocedural analysis, most of today's languages (including D) do all of their typechecking without requiring it.

An alternative solution to the owned subobject problem is to add new qualifiers that describe ownership relationships such as "BankAccount owns its _transactions member and therefore its mutex also serializes operations on _transactions." With the proper annotations in place, the compiler could verify that _transactions is entirely encapsulated inside BankAccount and therefore can be safely used without worrying about undue sharing. Systems and languages that do that have been proposed [25, 2, 11, 6] but for the time being they are not mainstream. Such ownership systems introduce significant complications in the language and its compiler. With lock-based synchronization as a whole coming under attack, D shunned beefing up support for an ailing programming technique. It is not impossible that the issue might be revisited later (ownership systems have been proposed for D [42]), but for the time being certain lock-based designs must step outside the confines of the type system, as discussed next.
13.14.3 Forcing Identical Mutexes

D allows dynamically what the type system is unable to guarantee statically: an owner-owned relationship in terms of locking. The following global primitive function is accessible:

// Inside object.d
setSameMutex(shared Object ownee, shared Object owner);

A class object obj may call obj.setMutex(owner) to effectively throw away its associated synchronization object and start using the same synchronization object as owner. That way you can be sure that locking owner really locks obj, too. Let's see how that would work with the BankAccount and the List.

// Thread-aware
synchronized class List(T) {
   void append(T value) {

// Keeps a List of transactions
synchronized class BankAccount {
   private double _balance;
   private List!double _transactions;

   this() {
      // The account owns the list
     setSameMutex(_transactions, this);

The way the scheme works requires that List (the owned object) be synchronized. Subsequent operations on _transactions would lock the _transactions field per the normal rules, but in fact they go ahead and acquire BankAccount object's mutex directly. That way the compiler is happy because it thinks every object is locked in separation. Also, the program is happy because in fact only one mutex controls the BankAccount and also the List subobject. Acquiring the mutex of _transactions is in reality acquiring the already locked mutex of this. Fortunately, such a recursive acquisition of an already owned, uncontested lock is relatively cheap, so the code is correct and not too locking-intensive.
13.14.4 The Unthinkable: casting Away shared

Continuing the preceding example, if you are absolutely positive that the _transactions list is completely private to the BankAccount object, you can cast away shared and use it without any regard to threads like this:

// Not synchronized and generally thread-agnostic
class List(T) {
   void append(T value) {

synchronized class BankAccount {
   private double _balance;
   private List!double _transactions;
   void deposit(double amount) {
      _balance += amount;
      (cast(List!double) _transactions).append(amount);
   void withdraw(double amount) {
      enforce(_balance >= amount);
      _balance -= amount;
      (cast(List!double) _transactions).append(-amount);
   double balance() {
      return _balance;

Now the code does compile and run. The only caveat is that now correctness of the lock-based discipline in the program is ensured by you, not by the language's type system, so you're not much better off than with languages that use default sharing. The advantage you are still enjoying is that casts are localized and can be searched for and carefully reviewed.
13.15 Deadlocks and the synchronized Statement

If the bank account example is the "Hello, world!" of threaded programs, the bank account transfer example must be the corresponding (if grimmer) introduction to threads that deadlock. The example goes like this: Assume you have two BankAccount objects, say, checking and savings. The challenge is to define an atomic transfer of some money from one account to another.

The naïve approach goes like this:

// Transfer version 1: non-atomic
void transfer(shared BankAccount source, shared BankAccount target,
      double amount) {

This version is not atomic, however; between the two calls there is a quantum of time when money is missing from both accounts. If just at that time a thread executes the inspectForAuditing function, things may get a little tense.

To make the transfer atomic, you need to acquire the hidden mutexes of the two objects outside their methods, at the beginning of transfer. You can effect that with the help of synchronized statements:

// Transfer version 2: PROBLEMATIC
void transfer(shared BankAccount source, shared BankAccount target,
      double amount) {
   synchronized (source) {
      synchronized (target) {

The synchronized statement acquires an object's hidden mutex through the execution of the statement's body. Any method call against that object benefits from an already acquired lock.

The problem with the second version of transfer is that it's prone to deadlock: if two threads attempt to execute a transfer between the same accounts but in opposite directions, the threads may block forever. A thread attempting to transfer money from checking to savings locks checking exactly as another thread attempting to transfer money from savings to checking manages to lock savings. At that point, each thread holds a lock, and each thread needs the other thread's lock. They will never work out an understanding.

To really fix the problem, you need to use synchronized with two arguments:

// Transfer version 3: correct
void transfer(shared BankAccount source, shared BankAccount target,
      double amount) {
   synchronized (source, target) {

Synchronizing on several objects in the same synchronized statement is different from successively synchronizing on each. The generated code always acquires mutexes in the same order in all threads, regardless of the syntactic order in which you specify the objects. That way, deadlock is averted.

The actual order in the reference implementation is the increasing order of object addresses. Any global ordering would work just as well.

Multi-argument synchronized is helpful but, unfortunately, not a panacea. General deadlock may occur non-locally—one mutex is acquired in one function, then another in a different function, and so on, until a deadlock cycle closes. But synchronized with multiple arguments raises awareness of the issue and fosters correct code with modular mutex acquisition.
13.16 Lock-Free Coding with shared classes

The theory of lock-based synchronization was established in the 1960s. As early as 1972 [23], researchers started making inroads toward avoiding the slow, ham-fisted mutexes as much as possible in multithreaded programs. For example, some types were assignable atomically so people reckoned there was no ostensible need to guard such assignments with mutex acquisition. Also, some processors offered more advanced lightweight interlocked instructions such as atomic increment or test-and-set. About three decades later, in 1990, there was a definite beam of hope that some clever combination of atomic read-write registers could help avoid the tyranny of locks. At that point, a seminal piece of work had the last word in a line of work and the first word in another.

Herlihy's 1991 paper "Wait-free synchronization" [31] marked an absolutely powerful development in concurrent programming. Prior to that, it was unclear to hardware and software developers alike what kind of synchronization primitives would be best to work with. For example, a processor with atomic reads and writes for ints could intuitively be considered less powerful than one that also offers atomic +=. It may appear that one that offers atomic *= is even better; generally, the more atomic primitives one has at one's disposal, the merrier.

Herlihy blew that theory out of the water and in particular has shown that certain seemingly powerful synchronization primitives, such as test-and-set, fetch-and-add, and even one global shared FIFO queue, are virtually useless. These impossibility results were proven clearly enough to instantly disabuse anyone of the illusion that such mechanisms could provide the magic concurrency potion. Fortunately, Herlihy has also proved universality results—certain synchronization primitives may theoretically synchronize an infinite number of concurrent threads. Remarkably, the "good" primitives are not more difficult to implement than the "bad" ones and don't look particularly powerful to the naked eye. Of the useful synchronization primitives, one known as compare-and-swap has caught on and is implemented today by virtually all processors. Compare-and-swap has the following semantics:

// This function executes atomically
bool cas(T)(shared(T) * here, shared(T) ifThis, shared(T) writeThis) {
   if (*here == ifThis) {
      *here = writeThis;
      return true;
   return false;

In plain language, cas atomically compares a memory location with a given value, and if the location is equal to that value, it stores a new value; otherwise, it does nothing. The result of the operation tells whether the store took place. The entire cas operation is atomic and must be provided as a primitive. The set of possible Ts is limited to integers of the native word size of the host machine (i.e., 32 or 64 bits). An increasing number of machines offer double-word compare-and-swap, sometimes dubbed cas2. That operation atomically manipulates 64-bit data on a 32-bit machine and 128-bit data on a 64-bit machine. In view of the increasing support for cas2 on contemporary machines, D offers double-word compare-and-swap under the same name (cas) as an overloaded intrinsic function. So in D you can cas values of types int, long, float, double, all arrays, all pointers, and all class references.
13.16.1 shared classes

Following Herlihy's universality proofs, many data structures and algorithms took off around the nascent "cas-based programming." Now, if a cas-based implementation is possible for theoretically any synchronization problem, nobody has said it's easy. Defining cas-based data structures and algorithms, and particularly proving that they work correctly, is a difficult feat. Fortunately, once such an entity is defined and encapsulated, it can be reused to the benefit of many [57].

To tap into cas-based lock-free goodness, use the shared attribute with a class or struct definition:

shared struct LockFreeStruct {

shared class LockFreeClass {

The usual transitivity rules apply: shared propagates to the fields of the struct or class, and methods offer no special protection. All you can count on are atomic assignments, cas calls, the guarantee that the compiler and machine won't do any reordering of operations, and your unbridled confidence. But be warned—if coding were walking and message passing were jogging, lock-free programming would be no less than the Olympics.
13.16.2 A Couple of Lock-Free Structures

As a warmup exercise, let's implement a lock-free stack type. The basic idea is simple: the stack is maintained as a singly linked list, and insertions as well as removals proceed at the front of the list:

shared struct Stack(T) {
   private shared struct Node {
      T _payload;
      Node * _next;
   private Node * _root;

   void push(T value) {
      auto n = new Node(value);
      shared(Node)* oldRoot;
      do {
        oldRoot = _root;
        n._next = oldRoot;
      } while (!cas(&_root, oldRoot, n));

   shared(T)* pop() {
      typeof(return) result;
      shared(Node)* oldRoot;
      do {
         oldRoot = _root;
         if (!oldRoot) return null;
         result = & oldRoot._payload;
      } while (!cas(&_root, oldRoot, oldRoot._next));
      return result;

Stack is a shared struct, and as a direct consequence pretty much everything inside of it is also shared. The internal type Node has the classic payload-and-pointer structure, and the Stack itself stores the root of the list.

The do/while loops in the two primitives may look a bit odd, but they are very common; slowly but surely, they dig a deep groove in the cortex of every cas-based programming expert-to-be. The way push works is to first create a new Node that will store the new value. Then, in a loop, _root is assigned the pointer to the new node, but only if in the meantime no other thread has changed it! It's quite possible that another thread has also performed a stack operation, so push needs to make sure that the root assumed in oldRoot has not changed while the new node was being primed.

The pop method does not return by value, but instead by pointer. This is because pop may find the queue empty, which is not an exceptional condition (as it would be in a single-threaded stack). For a shared stack, checking for an element, removing it, and returning it are one organic operation. Aside from the return aspect, pop is similar in the implementation to push: _root is replaced with care such that no other thread changes it while the payload is being fetched. At the end of the loop, the extracted value is off the stack and can be safely returned to its caller.

If Stack didn't seem that complicated, let's look at actually exposing a richer singly linked interface; after all, most of the infrastructure is built inside Stack already.

Unfortunately, for a list things are bound to become more difficult. How much more difficult? Brutally more difficult. One fundamental problem is insertion and deletion of nodes at arbitrary positions in the list. Say we have a list of int containing a node with payload 5 followed by a node with payload 10, and we want to remove the 5 node. No problem here—just do the cas magic to swing _root to point to the 10 node. The problem is, if at the same time another thread inserts a new node right after the 5 node, that node will be irretrievably lost: _root knows nothing about it.

Several solutions exist in the literature; none of them is trivially simple. The implementation described below, first proposed by Harris [30] in the suggestively entitled paper "A pragmatic implementation of non-blocking linked-lists," has a hackish flavor to it because it relies on setting the unused least significant bit of the _next pointer. The idea is first to mark that pointer as "logically deleted" by setting its bit to zero, and then to excise the node entirely in a second step:

shared struct SharedList(T) {
   shared struct Node {
      private T _payload;
      private Node * _next;

      @property shared(Node)* next() {
         return clearlsb(_next);

      bool removeAfter() {
         shared(Node)* thisNext, afterNext;
         // Step 1: set the lsb of _next for the node to delete
         do {
            thisNext = next;
            if (!thisNext) return false;
            afterNext = thisNext.next;
        } while (!cas(&thisNext._next, afterNext, setlsb(afterNext)));
        // Step 2: excise the node to delete
        if (!cas(&_next, thisNext, afterNext)) {
            afterNext = thisNext._next;
            while (!haslsb(afterNext)) {
               thisNext._next = thisNext._next.next;
        _next = afterNext;

   void insertAfter(T value) {
      auto newNode = new Node(value);
      for (;;) {
         // Attempt to find an insertion point
         auto n = _next;
         while (n && haslsb(n)) {
            n = n._next;
         // Found a possible insertion point, attempt insert
         auto afterN = n._next;
         newNode._next = afterN;
         if (cas(&n._next, afterN, newNode)) {

  private Node * _root;

  void pushFront(T value) {
     ... // Same as for Stack.push

  shared(T)* popFront() {
     ... // Same as for Stack.pop

The implementation is tricky but can be understood if you keep in mind a couple of invariants. First, it's OK for logically deleted nodes (i.e., Node objects with the field _next having its least significant bit set) to hang around for a little bit. Second, a node is never inserted after a logically deleted node. That way, the list stays coherent even though nodes may appear and disappear at any time.

The implementation of clearlsb, setlsb and haslsb is as barbaric as it gets; for example:

T* setlsb(T)(T* p) {
   return cast(T*) (cast(size_t) p | 1);

13.17 Summary

The implementation of setlsb, dirty and leaking some grease at the seams, is a fitting finale for a chapter that has started with the simple beauty of message passing and has gradually descended into the underworld of sharing.

D has an ample offering of threading amenities. For most applications on modern machines, the preferred mechanism is defining protocols built around message passing. Immutable sharing should be of great help there. You'd be well advised to use message passing for defining robust, scalable concurrent applications.

If you need to do synchronization based on mutual exclusion, you can do so with the help of synchronized classes. Be warned that support for lock-based programming is limited compared to other languages, and for good reasons.

If you need simple sharing of data, you may want to use shared values. D guarantees that operations on shared values are performed in the order specified in your code and do not cause visibility paradoxes and low-level races.

Finally, if activities such as bungee jumping, crocodile taming, or walking on coals seem sheer boredom to you, you'll be glad that lock-free programming exists, and that you can do it in D by using shared structs and classes.
hqs7636 2010-07-08
和 erlang,java,.net 等的并发比如何?

flying3615 2010-07-09
lifc 2010-07-16
hqs7636 2010-07-16
lifc 写道

不会吧,这么差?还不如 go ?
betty_betty2008 2010-07-17
lifc 写道

如果D的目标是比JAVA/C# 原生,比C++ 易用,TANGO已经做到了.TANGO 或许是A 心中的痛
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