[疑难] 关于图形识别。
想做个识别验证码的软件, 找了个tesseract-ocr, 写了个符号导入模块。
module tessdll; import tango.stdc.time, tango.sys.Sharedlib, tango.stdc.stringz; alias ubyte uinT8; alias byte inT8; alias ushort uinT16; alias short inT16; alias uint uinT32; alias int inT32; alias ubyte unsigned_char; alias short c_int; //bool (*CANCEL_FUNC)(void* cancel_this, int words); alias bool function(void*,c_int) CANCEL_FUNC; struct EANYCODE_CHAR { /*single character */ // It should be noted that the format for char_code for version 2.0 and beyond is UTF8 // which means that ASCII characters will come out as one structure but other characters // will be returned in two or more instances of this structure with a single byte of the // UTF8 code in each, but each will have the same bounding box. // Programs which want to handle languagues with different characters sets will need to // handle extended characters appropriately, but *all* code needs to be prepared to // receive UTF8 coded characters for characters such as bullet and fancy quotes. uinT16 char_code; /*character itself */ inT16 left; /*of char (-1) */ inT16 right; /*of char (-1) */ inT16 top; /*of char (-1) */ inT16 bottom; /*of char (-1) */ inT16 font_index; /*what font (0) */ uinT8 confidence; /*0=perfect, 100=reject (0/100) */ uinT8 point_size; /*of char, 72=i inch, (10) */ inT8 blanks; /*no of spaces before this char (1) */ } struct ETEXT_DESC{ //ETEXT_STRUCT output header inT16 count; /*chars in this buffer(0) */ inT16 progress; /*percent complete increasing (0-100) */ inT8 more_to_come; /*true if not last */ inT8 ocr_alive; /*ocr sets to 1, HP 0 */ inT8 err_code; /*for errcode use */ CANCEL_FUNC cancel; /*returns true to cancel */ void* cancel_this; /*this or other data for cancel*/ clock_t end_time; /*time to stop if not 0*/ EANYCODE_CHAR text[1]; /*character data */ } extern(C){ //TESSDLL_API int __cdecl TessDllBeginPage(uinT32 xsize,uinT32 ysize, unsigned char *buf); c_int function(uinT32, uinT32, ubyte*) TessDllBeginPage; //TESSDLL_API int __cdecl TessDllBeginPageLang(uinT32 xsize,uinT32 ysize, unsigned char *buf, const char* lang); c_int function(uinT32, uinT32, ubyte*, char*) TessDllBeginPageLang; //TESSDLL_API int __cdecl TessDllBeginPageUpright(uinT32 xsize,uinT32 ysize, unsigned char *buf, const char* lang); c_int function(uinT32, uinT32, ubyte*, char*) TessDllBeginPageUpright; //Added in version 2.0 to allow users to specify bytes per pixel to do //1 for binary biptmap //8 for gray //24 bit for color RGB //TESSDLL_API int __cdecl TessDllBeginPageBPP(uinT32 xsize, uinT32 ysize, unsigned char *buf, uinT8 bpp); c_int function(uinT32, uinT32, ubyte*, uinT8) TessDllBeginPageBPP; //TESSDLL_API int __cdecl TessDllBeginPageLangBPP(uinT32 xsize,uinT32 ysize, unsigned char *buf, const char* lang,uinT8 bpp); c_int function(uinT32, uinT32, ubyte*, char*, uinT8) TessDllBeginPageLangBPP; //TESSDLL_API int __cdecl TessDllBeginPageUprightBPP(uinT32 xsize,uinT32 ysize, unsigned char *buf, const char* lang,uinT8 bpp); c_int function(uinT32, uinT32, ubyte*, char*, uinT8) TessDllBeginPageUprightBPP; // TESSDLL_API void __cdecl TessDllEndPage(void); void function(ubyte) TessDllEndPage; //This allows you to extract one word or section from the bitmap or //the whole page //To extract the whole page just enter zeros for left, right, top, bottom //Note: getting one word at time is not yet optimized for speed. //limit of 32000 character can be returned //see ocrclass.h for a decription of the ETEXT_DESC file //TESSDLL_API ETEXT_DESC * __cdecl TessDllRecognize_a_Block(uinT32 left, uinT32 right, uinT32 top, uinT32 bottom); ETEXT_DESC* function(uinT32, uinT32, uinT32, uinT32) TessDllRecognize_a_Block; //TESSDLL_API ETEXT_DESC * __cdecl TessDllRecognize_all_Words(); ETEXT_DESC* function() TessDllRecognize_all_Words; //This will release any memory associated with the recognize class object //TESSDLL_API void __cdecl TessDllRelease(); void function() TessDllRelease; } void bind(alias T)(SharedLib lib){ //pragma(msg, T.stringof); T = cast( typeof(T) ) lib.getSymbol(toStringz(T.stringof)); assert(T !is null); } static this(){ auto lib = SharedLib.load(`tessdll.dll`); if( lib is null){ throw new Exception(`load tessdll.dll error`); }else{ bind!(TessDllBeginPage)(lib); bind!(TessDllBeginPageLang)(lib); bind!(TessDllBeginPageBPP)(lib); bind!(TessDllBeginPageBPP)(lib); bind!(TessDllBeginPageLangBPP)(lib); bind!(TessDllBeginPageUprightBPP)(lib); bind!(TessDllEndPage)(lib); bind!(TessDllRecognize_a_Block)(lib); bind!(TessDllRecognize_all_Words)(lib); bind!(TessDllRelease)(lib); } } 因为基础太差,下一步不知道怎么做了。 各位有没有这方面的经验? 不知道还有哪个工具识别起来比较好。 |
用它识别win下控制台字体, 错误一大半。 没实用性。。。