好消息:Phobos 进 dsource 啦!

oldrev 2007-11-26
看来 Walter 决定完全采用开放的方式开发 Phobos 了,有了整个社区的支持, Phobos 应该会进步很快。
oldrev 2007-11-26

Phobos 里的单链表:
oldrev 2007-11-26
117 	/**
118 	 * Returns the first element in the list. Precondition: $(D_PARAM
119 	 * !isEmpty(lst)).
120 	 */
121 	Ref!(T) front(T)(ref SList!(T) lst)
122 	in
123 	{
124 	    enforce(lst.root, "Attempting to fetch the front of an empty list");
125 	}
126 	body
127 	{
128 	    return lst.root.value;
129 	}

莫非2.x 已经有外部方法啦?
Colorful 2007-11-26
qiezi 2007-11-26
oldrev 写道
117 	/**
118 	 * Returns the first element in the list. Precondition: $(D_PARAM
119 	 * !isEmpty(lst)).
120 	 */
121 	Ref!(T) front(T)(ref SList!(T) lst)
122 	in
123 	{
124 	    enforce(lst.root, "Attempting to fetch the front of an empty list");
125 	}
126 	body
127 	{
128 	    return lst.root.value;
129 	}

莫非2.x 已经有外部方法啦?

oldrev 2007-11-27

里面有个搞笑的 sort 算法:
329 	/**
330 	   Sorts a random-access range according to predicate $(D_PARAM comp),
331 	   expressed as a string. The string can use the names "a" and "b" for
332 	   the two elements being compared.
334 	   Example:
336 	----
337 	int[] array = ([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]).dup;
338 	sort!("a > b")(array);
339 	assert(array == [ 4, 3, 2, 1 ]);
340 	----
341 	*/
343 	template sort(string comp)
344 	{
345 	    void sort(Range)(Range r)
346 	    {
347 	        alias typeof(*begin(r)) ElementType;
348 	        static ElementType a, b;
349 	        alias typeof(mixin(comp)) ResultType;
350 	        static ResultType compFn(ElementType a, ElementType b)
351 	        {
352 	            return mixin(comp);
353 	        }
354 	        .sort!(compFn)(r);
355 	    }
356 	}

如此仿造 lambda,呵呵
qiezi 2007-11-27
还是要有AST macro才好看啊..
oldrev 2007-11-28
其实现在就可以在 D 里使用 C宏,反正D的语法跟C宏并不冲突,只不过编译的时候多产生一个临时文件罢了
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