
oldrev 2007-10-14

struct Mass {
	private double m_value;

struct kg {
	static Mass opMul_r(double value) { return Mass(value); }

struct g {
	static Mass opMul_r(double value) { return Mass(value / 1000); }

void main() {
	Mass m = 100*kg;
	m = 1*g;

oldrev 2007-10-16

const Mass kg = Mass(1);
const Mass g = Mass(0.001);
Mass m = 100*kg;
m = 1*g;
oldrev 2007-10-16
还有更变态的,用 static 操作符重载确保 struct 指针定义的正确性:

struct foo
     static bool opMul(foo* x)
     { return true;}

void main()
     foo* p;
     assert(foo* p); // just checking that we declared p correctly

     foo* null;       // hey, look! null really can be an identifier
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