[入门] 代码高度精炼的tango.sys.win32.CodePage
1 MBS to UTF-8 2 UTF-8 to MBS 3 toMBSz ? result.ptr就可以了。 4 toUTF-8z? result.ptr就可以了。 /********************************************************************** Internal conversion routine; we avoid heap activity for strings of short and medium length. A zero is appended to the dst array in order to simplify C API conversions **********************************************************************/ private static char[] convert (char[] src, char[] dst, uint from, uint into) { uint len = 0; // sanity check assert (dst.length); // got some input? if (src.length > 0) { wchar[2000] tmp = void; wchar[] wide = (src.length <= tmp.length) ? tmp : new wchar[src.length]; len = MultiByteToWideChar (from, 0, src.ptr, src.length, wide.ptr, wide.length); if (len) len = WideCharToMultiByte (into, 0, wide.ptr, len, dst.ptr, dst.length-1, null, null); if (len is 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("CodePage.convert :: "~SysError.lastMsg); } // append a null terminator dst[len] = 0; return dst [0 .. len]; } 你可以对照Phobos的实现对比看看。 |