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My Thoughts on D’s Future (or How I Came to Love D2)
November 14th, 2009 | by Aldacron | Many programmers are quite passionate about their language(s) of choice. I don’t know what it is. Something in the DNA, perhaps. Every negative word written about the language is taken personally. Every personal disappointment regarding design decisions becomes another piece of evidence that the language is doomed to fail. Java has been on the brink of failure for most of its existence if you listen to a number of vocal users who have posted in different forums and newsgroups over the years. With D, the phenomenon seems exaggerated, I think, because the vocal community is a larger percentage of the relatively small whole. And when a prominent member of the community lets their frustration about Bugzilla #whatever be known, it seems as if the sky is falling and the language is destined to crash and burn in a spectacular ball of fire. Who’s going to adopt a language that can’t even get that particular issue straightened out? And then there are the related issues of tools and libraries. If there’s no IDE that can fill in half of a module with a single click, who’s going to want to use D? Text editors are so archaic that useful programs just can’t be written with them. And without a debugger on par with that found in major IDEs, serious software isn’t going to get made. And, OMG, there are *two* standard libraries! What’s a poor, helpless programmer to do? My take on all of this can be summarized in one word…! I’ll admit that I was quite turned off by D2 in its early stages of development. The fact that it was turning into a completely different language from D1 just didn’t set well with me. But over time, a number of events have occurred that have completely changed my mind and made me look forward to D2’s final release. There’s the fact that Walter brought on additional developers, such as Andrei and Bartosz. Phobos was added to DSource. DRuntime was adopted. The source of the back end was opened up. Don Clugston stepped forward to squash compiler bugs and patch in new features. Several community members contributed patches. Input from the community resulted in changes and improvements, moreso than in the days of D1’s development it seems. As a result of all of this and more, D2 has, within the past few months especially, begun to blossom into something quite special. The foundation is there and it is being built upon step-by-step. Why would anyone expect D to become widely adopted almost the instant it is released? It takes time for a language to gain mindshare among corporate interests. It needs to be tried and tested, sure, but it also needs to be deemed free of legal issues. It needs a good reputation. And in order for that to happen, it needs people to use it independently, for hobbies and small business projects. D1 is great for those who use it, but there are certainly warts that make it unsuitable for large scale development compared to existing languages. I don’t believe it ever had a chance. But D2 definitely does. Because of the effort behind it, it is addressing D1’s shortcomings and looking to meet the demands of modern software development. The D2 I see now is a far better language than the one I saw several months ago, for sure. As for the Phobos vs. Tango debate, it’s a moot point at the moment where D2 is concerned. But to be honest, I never understood the issue about “two standard libraries”. To me, Tango is not and never has been a standard library. There is only one standard library, and that’s Phobos. Tango is an alternative to the standard. Yes, there’s a real issue in that some libraries support one and not the other. But one of the aspects of project development is deciding which libraries to use. In C++, you have to decide whether or not to use the STL, and these days whether or not to use Boost. Once that decision is made, you have to decide which bits of STL or Boost you want to use. Then the libraries you use may or may not make use of either STL or Boost, which may or may not affect your memory allocation strategy or your build management. I fail to see how choosing between Phobos and Tango is any worse. With D1, you pick one and stick with it or you try to accommodate both. Either way, you plan your project around your decision and life goes on. You can complain that D is not suitable for large scale software development because there aren’t enough tools and libraries. You can say that without feature A, this group of programmers will be turned off, or that feature B will alienate that group of programmers. You can point out that no one in a position to do so is going to risk thousands or millions of dollars of their development budget on a language that has yet to go mainstream. You may be absolutely right. But to say it’s never going to happen for D is completely off base. D has momentum. The community fluctuates and its always hard to tell just how big it is. But there are always new names in the newsgroups and IRC. And these days, mention D in any programming forum and a number of people will have heard of it. I sometimes get email regarding Derelict from people I’ve never heard of, asking about one thing or another. People are actually using D, even if we never see what they’re doing with it. And that’s a good thing. Personally, I don’t care one way or another if D becomes the next big thing in the corporate world. As long as it’s available for me to use, I’ll be happy. And as a small part of helping that to happen, I’ll keep this blog going and work on Derelict when and as I can. I have more projects I’d like to work on if I can find the time. And that’s how D will eventually become more pervasive. Whether you contribute to existing open source projects, start your own, or even develop in-house or commercial software, just using D brings it that much closer to the big leagues. So it would be great if people could stop with the doom and gloom scenarios and stop worrying about who’s going to use D and who won’t bother with it. It would be much better to focus all of that energy on helping to get D2 finalized, or enhancing the quality and quantity of tools and libraries. That’s the foundation. The rest will come in time.
yntcsb 写道
My Thoughts on D’s Future (or How I Came to Love D2)
Derelict 的作者,Al
November 14th, 2009 | by Aldacron | sam注:简略大意
Many programmers are quite passionate about their language(s) of choice. I don’t know what it is. Something in the DNA, perhaps. Every negative word written about the language is taken personally. Every personal disappointment regarding design decisions becomes another piece of evidence that the language is doomed to fail. Java has been on the brink of failure for most of its existence if you listen to a number of vocal users who have posted in different forums and newsgroups over the years. 每个程序员在选择自已钟爱的语言问题上都是偏执狂,我不知为什么,可能是来自DNA吧:P 说这个语言好那个不好都是个人的偏好;因语言的某一特性设计不合自已的胃口就说这个语言要完了。如果你光听信这些,那Java差不多已死翘翘了。
With D, the phenomenon seems exaggerated, I think, because the vocal community is a larger percentage of the relatively small whole. And when a prominent member of the community lets their frustration about Bugzilla #whatever be known, it seems as if the sky is falling and the language is destined to crash and burn in a spectacular ball of fire. Who’s going to adopt a language that can’t even get that particular issue straightened out? 这种现象在D圈子里就更夸张,可能是因为那些出声的成员所占本来就小的D粉丝总数的比例较大。圈子里一有某个显眼的名字发言提到某个BUG尚未修补,就说天要塌了,D注定要完蛋了,谁会用连那些显见的BUG都不去修补好的一门语言? And then there are the related issues of tools and libraries. If there’s no IDE that can fill in half of a module with a single click, who’s going to want to use D? Text editors are so archaic that useful programs just can’t be written with them. And without a debugger on par with that found in major IDEs, serious software isn’t going to get made. And, OMG, there are *two* standard libraries! What’s a poor, helpless programmer to do? 接着就是工具和库。鼠标一点就可以完成模块所做事情的一半,这样的IDE D都没有,谁会去用?文本编辑器这么OUT的东西,好程序是不能用它来写的;D没有一个和已知主流的IDE旗鼓相当的DEBUG,没人会用D写商业程序。还有,老天啊,竟然有两个标准库!可怜无助的程序员们,你能做什么?
My take on all of this can be summarized in one word…! 我用一句话总结(sam 注:是一句什么话? Go to hell! :P)
I’ll admit that I was quite turned off by D2 in its early stages of development. The fact that it was turning into a completely different language from D1 just didn’t set well with me. But over time, a number of events have occurred that have completely changed my mind and made me look forward to D2’s final release. There’s the fact that Walter brought on additional developers, such as Andrei and Bartosz. Phobos was added to DSource. DRuntime was adopted. The source of the back end was opened up. Don Clugston stepped forward to squash compiler bugs and patch in new features. Several community members contributed patches. Input from the community resulted in changes and improvements, moreso than in the days of D1’s development it seems. As a result of all of this and more, D2 has, within the past few months especially, begun to blossom into something quite special. 我承认在D2开发初期时我不喜欢D2。原因是D2被设计成与D1完全不同的另一门语言,就是不适合我。但是一系列事件的发生使我彻底改变了看法并且期盼着D2的最终发行。事实是WB 请了一些人(。。。省略)帮手,各司其职(分工不说了),Phobos加到Dsource里,DRuntime被采纳,后端也开源了,Don捕编译器的BUG,一些圈子里的D粉丝也提交Patch.集这些于一身,D2已经大不寻常了。
The foundation is there and it is being built upon step-by-step. Why would anyone expect D to become widely adopted almost the instant it is released? It takes time for a language to gain mindshare among corporate interests. It needs to be tried and tested, sure, but it also needs to be deemed free of legal issues. It needs a good reputation. And in order for that to happen, it needs people to use it independently, for hobbies and small business projects. D1 is great for those who use it, but there are certainly warts that make it unsuitable for large scale development compared to existing languages. I don’t believe it ever had a chance. But D2 definitely does. Because of the effort behind it, it is addressing D1’s shortcomings and looking to meet the demands of modern software development. The D2 I see now is a far better language than the one I saw several months ago, for sure. 万丈高楼平地起。为什么有人期望D2一下子就被程序员广泛接受?要吸引大公司的注意需要时间;需要测试,试用;也需要搞好法律相关的问题(如版权);D需要一个好的声誉。要使这些尽可能早的发生,需要个人去用它,写一些小的玩具程序或商业软件。D1已经很好了,但有些小毛病使它比起其它已有的一些语言来说不太适合写大规模程序,我个人甚至觉得D1根本就没有写大规模程序的可能性。但是D2绝对行。原因是所有这背后的种种努力,都旨在解决D1的短处,并竭力适应现代软件开发的需要。现在看D2,比起数个月前,毫无疑问要好很多。
As for the Phobos vs. Tango debate, it’s a moot point at the moment where D2 is concerned. But to be honest, I never understood the issue about “two standard libraries”. To me, Tango is not and never has been a standard library. There is only one standard library, and that’s Phobos. Tango is an alternative to the standard. Yes, there’s a real issue in that some libraries support one and not the other. But one of the aspects of project development is deciding which libraries to use. In C++, you have to decide whether or not to use the STL, and these days whether or not to use Boost. Once that decision is made, you have to decide which bits of STL or Boost you want to use. Then the libraries you use may or may not make use of either STL or Boost, which may or may not affect your memory allocation strategy or your build management. I fail to see how choosing between Phobos and Tango is any worse. With D1, you pick one and stick with it or you try to accommodate both. Either way, you plan your project around your decision and life goes on. Phobos vs. Tango的争议问题。D2现在关注这个问题没任何实际意义。我觉得标准库就只有一个,Phobos,而Tango是个备选。是的,有些库支持这个不支持那个。但别忘了在软件开发的过程当中,要考虑的问题之一就是库的选择。在C++,你得决定要不要用STL,和(或)Boost.一旦定下来了,你就得接着定具体要用STL/BOOST的哪些部分,这些会直接影响到你的内存管理策略或构建(编译)管理。我看不到选P或T就能糟糕到哪里去。D1下你可以选一个(P/T)要么一直用它要么试着把两个整合(sam 注:如tangobos.lib),两种情况下都是由你来决定,然后日子就可以一天一天过下去啦。
You can complain that D is not suitable for large scale software development because there aren’t enough tools and libraries. You can say that without feature A, this group of programmers will be turned off, or that feature B will alienate that group of programmers. You can point out that no one in a position to do so is going to risk thousands or millions of dollars of their development budget on a language that has yet to go mainstream. You may be absolutely right. But to say it’s never going to happen for D is completely off base. 你可以说D不适合大规模开发,因为没有足够的工具和库。你说少了特性A,这一拨人就会不开心;而特性B则会把那一拨人赶走;你可以说没有人会冒险押上百万的注在一个非主流的语言身上。你TNND对极啦;但是如果说所有这些在D身上永远都不可能发生则是扯淡。
D has momentum. The community fluctuates and its always hard to tell just how big it is. But there are always new names in the newsgroups and IRC. And these days, mention D in any programming forum and a number of people will have heard of it. I sometimes get email regarding Derelict from people I’ve never heard of, asking about one thing or another. People are actually using D, even if we never see what they’re doing with it. And that’s a good thing. D很有活力。圈子随时变化所以很难讲到底有多大。但时不时有新名字出现在NG和IRC上。最近,在其它语言的圈子里一提到D总有一些人知道。有时我收到一些关于Derelict的邮件,而这些给我发邮件的人我听都没听说过。有人已经在用D了,即使我们不知道,这是好事。
Personally, I don’t care one way or another if D becomes the next big thing in the corporate world. As long as it’s available for me to use, I’ll be happy. And as a small part of helping that to happen, I’ll keep this blog going and work on Derelict when and as I can. I have more projects I’d like to work on if I can find the time. And that’s how D will eventually become more pervasive. Whether you contribute to existing open source projects, start your own, or even develop in-house or commercial software, just using D brings it that much closer to the big leagues. 个人来说,我才不在乎D会不会成为大公司会用的语言。只要它还在那儿,能让我用,我就很开心。就算作是尽一份小小心力吧,我会尽我所能地继续这个BLOG和Derelict。如果有更多合适的项目,我还会开发。这也是D普及起来的必要途径嘛。向已存在的开源项目贡献也罢,开始做你自已的项目也罢,不论是机构内部的或是商业的,只管用D就对了,这样D就越来越接近各种各样的社团了。
So it would be great if people could stop with the doom and gloom scenarios and stop worrying about who’s going to use D and who won’t bother with it. It would be much better to focus all of that energy on helping to get D2 finalized, or enhancing the quality and quantity of tools and libraries. That’s the foundation. The rest will come in time. 所认大家最好收起那幅死人相,也不用整天为谁会用D谁不会用D发愁。把所有的精力花在帮助D的最后定稿,或是多开发一些高质量的工具和库上要有意义的多。这是基石,有了这些面包会有的。
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