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Andrei Alexandrescu所著《The D Programming Language》
目录: The D Programming Language By: Andrei Alexandrescu Last Updated on Safari: 2009/06/16 Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional Pub Date: November 13, 2009 (estimated) Pages: 500 Table of Contents Copyright Preface Chapter 1. "D"iving In Section 1.1. Numbers and Expressions Section 1.2. Statements Section 1.3. Function Basics Section 1.4. Arrays and Associative Arrays Section 1.5. Basic Data Structures Section 1.6. Interfaces and Classes Section 1.7. Values vs. References Section 1.8. Templates Section 1.9. Closing Notes Chapter 2. Basic Types. Expressions Section 2.1. Symbols Section 2.2. Literals Section 2.3. Implicit Conversions Section 2.4. Operators Section 2.5. Summary Chapter 3. Statements Section 3.1. The Empty Statement Section 3.2. The Expression Statement Section 3.3. The Compound Statement Section 3.4. The if Statement Section 3.5. The static if Statement Section 3.6. The switch Statement Section 3.7. The final switch Statement Section 3.8. Looping Statements Section 3.9. The goto Statement Section 3.10. The with statement Section 3.11. The return statement Section 3.12. The throw and try statements Section 3.13. The scope statement Section 3.14. The synchronized statement Section 3.15. The asm statement Chapter 4. Data and Functions. Functional Style [This content is currently in development.] Chapter 5. Type Constructors [This content is currently in development.] Chapter 6. Classes. Object-Oriented Programming Style [This content is currently in development.] Chapter 7. Generic Programming Style [This content is currently in development.] Chapter 8. Scaling Up [This content is currently in development.] Chapter 9. System-Level Programming [This content is currently in development.] Chapter 10. Concurrency [This content is currently in development.] Chapter 11. The D Standard Library [This content is currently in development.] Bibliography http://my.safaribooksonline.com/9780321659538?tocview=true |
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